Friday, February 22, 2013

the plate that affects our climate

Tectonic plates, how does it affect our climate?

from what we have learned in school, plate tectonics are continuously moving plates with a rate of approximately 3 cm yearly.

visit this site to know how plate tectonics work:
plate tectonics in a nutshell

when plate tectonic moves, the ocean currents are disturbed and changes and thus generates heat.

the movement of tectonic plates on the surface of the earth also leads to the formation of volcanoes.

Eruption of  Mt. Pinatubo

The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 resulted in the general cooling of the global troposphere, but yielded a clear winter warming pattern of surface air temperature over Northern Hemisphere continents.

to know more about how the  eruption affects the climate click here.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

a right to have a clean water

Due to the fast rising development in urban areas, our natural resources on the other hand is nearly fast approaching to its end.

The materials being used in urban development are coming from nature and too much demand of raw materials from nature depletes our resources.

It's a good thing that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has been designating Water Quality Management Area to protect bodies of water from further damage from development activities.

One of the places under this program is the 35-kilometer Taguibo River in Agusan del Norte

The Taguibo River is a source of water supply for Butuan City and nearby towns, and plays a crucial role in local livelihood since it provides water for agricultural production.

The river also serves as principal sustaining resource to aquaculture in the area, and supports food production and industry in its jurisdiction.

Monday, February 11, 2013

my movement for the environment


Usually, when i am heading for my OJT, I take a tricycle or jeepney ride to go there.
Lately, I've realized that the distance from our house to the location of my OJT is walk-able so i decided to walk instead of riding a jeep or trike.

I've been doing this for almost two months now and i have noticed that walking saves money.
it also taught me to prepare early because walking takes up around 20 minutes while riding takes up just 5 mins of time.

Say NO to plastics.

Plastic bags is not good for the earth because it is one of the cause of  the earth's destruction.

When buying in the grocery or simply in a sari-sari store, we bring our own bag instead of them giving us plastics.

Sometimes the store keeper would put into plastic bag even if you just bought one item. whenever this happens, I say no to plastic bag and just carry the items i bought or put it in my bag instead.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

state of the world - living independent - sustaining our needs

In the 20th century, the glory of the human has become the desolation of the Earth. And now, the desolation of the Earth is becoming the destiny of the human. From here on, the primary judgment of all human institutions, professions, and programs and activities will be determined by the extent to which they inhibit, ignore, or foster a mutually enhancing human-Earth relationship.” –Thomas Berry

Human Nature

It has become our nature to consume stuffs we need.
Consumerism has been the trend in this era.
Instead of sustaining ourselves with the stuffs we need and not want, we become consumers who mostly buy the stuffs wanted rather than the stuffs needed.

from the film 'The Age of Stupid'
“Why didn't we save ourselves when we had the chance?” Were we just being stupid? Or was it that “on some level we weren't sure that we were worth saving?”

Today is our chance to save our environment.
Despite that we already know the harmful effects of human activity in our planet, its as if we don't mind at all.
Imagine if 7 billion humans are doing the same actions that leads to earth destruction.

Some of the Pros and Cons of Consumerism

  • It boosts a nations economy
  • It creates jobs
  • It is convenient, people can get what they need without any hassle

  • People become overly dependent on it
  • It is very harmful to the environment and uses up the natural resources on our planet.
  • The manufacturing of consumer goods is a strain on the environment

Transforming cultures – from consumerism to sustainability

First:  consumption that actively undermines well-being needs to be actively discouraged.

Second: it will be important to replace the private consumption of goods with public consumption, the consumption of services, or even minimal or no consumption when possible.

Third: goods that do remain necessary should be designed to last a long time and be “cradle to cradle”—that is, products need to eliminate waste, use renewable resources, and be completely recyclable at the end of their useful lives.


Saturday, February 2, 2013


instead of riding a jeep or tricycle when going to nearby places, why not walk?

walking has many benefits.
most of the benefits are related to health.
walking is good for the heart and bones.
walking is a stress reliever.
walking = less carbon footprint.

carbon footprint : the amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to the the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc.

if you notice there are a lot of tricycles around the city. these tricycles provides transportation to nearby places and usually the travel is walkable.

imagine how much money you could save and how you could help lessen the carbon footprint in our environment.

i do hope that the government will have a project that will promote walking in the city
like having the sidewalks as a priority in their projects.

it is good to have politicians that are environmentalists as well.