Usually, when i am heading for my OJT, I take a tricycle or jeepney ride to go there.
Lately, I've realized that the distance from our house to the location of my OJT is walk-able so i decided to walk instead of riding a jeep or trike.
I've been doing this for almost two months now and i have noticed that walking saves money.
it also taught me to prepare early because walking takes up around 20 minutes while riding takes up just 5 mins of time.
Say NO to plastics.
Plastic bags is not good for the earth because it is one of the cause of the earth's destruction.
When buying in the grocery or simply in a sari-sari store, we bring our own bag instead of them giving us plastics.
Sometimes the store keeper would put into plastic bag even if you just bought one item. whenever this happens, I say no to plastic bag and just carry the items i bought or put it in my bag instead.
It's good that the plastic bags are lessen in this year, that way the amount of plastic bags used are slowly decreasing yet some use plastic bags but let's hope they get the idea of not using anymore plastic